The Hatch Lot Reserve
This 238-acre property was purchased from Mauricio and Patricia Pages by the Town of East Haddam as protected open space in April 2013. East Haddam Land Trust contributed $35,000 and a State of Connecticut grant contributed $464,000 toward the total purchase price. The acreage is a mix of upland hardwood forest, exposed ledges, and mountain laurel groves plus it has woodland wetlands, intermittent streams and vernal pools supporting a variety of woodland flora and fauna.
A cleared section at the property's highest point has views of the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound in the distance. This scenic viewpoint is accessed via an existing gravel road, making the cleared area potentially handicap accessible.
The remote location of the scenic viewpoint allows excellent star-gazing. The property's varied topography and habitats provide opportunities for interesting wildlife and plant observations, bird watching, photography and challenging hiking.
The property borders Mill Road to the south and the 230-acre Dean Conservation Easement tot he north. The eastern border runs along a portion of Roaring Brook and to the west the property borders the walking-path portion of Parker Road.
This property is maintained by the Town of East Haddam. For additional information, contact the East Haddam Conservation Commission.