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Preserves with Public Access


Choose a preserve below to see detailed descriptions and trail maps for our public properties and access our Interactive Trail Map from your mobile or desktop device for general information about trails maintained by East Haddam Land Trust, the Town of East Haddam, and The Nature Conservancy.


Enjoy hiking at East Haddam Land Trust preserves with trails. Leashed dogs may accompany hikers on East Haddam Land Trust trails.

These preserves provide access to historic mill sites:


Find Trail Maps on each Preserve's page, at the Town of East Haddam Municipal Complex and at the trailheads of most Preserves.

The following East Haddam Land Trust preserves have no trails:

  • Axelrod Preserve: 1/6 acres (Town of East Haddam Assessors Map No. 75, Lots 121 and 122) accessed from Mott Lane (latitude 41.516766, longitude -72.421586), the Moodus Reservoir Boat Launch off of Mott Lane, and the shallow waters of the northeastern portion of lower Moodus Reservoir.

  • Avis Preserve: 8.66-acre preserve off Stockburger Road (longitude 41.520271, latitude -72.477685) bordering the Salmon River State Park. The parcel was donated by Daniel Horwitch and Cynthia Tyler in December 2015.

  • Salmon Cove Preserve: runs on either side of Cove Road (latitude 41.491075, longitude -72.472972) and consists of 320 feet along the Salmon Cove where the Moodus River empties into the Cove. Salmon Cove is a freshwater tidal wetland that hosts several rare plant species. The upland section of this Preserve contains a stream that flows into Salmon Cove. The parcel was originally purchased by The Nature Conservancy. The Conservancy later donated the parcel to East Haddam Land Trust.

Please note: hunting is not permitted on East Haddam Land Trust preserves.

As a safety precaution, please wear orange during hunting season when hiking through or adjacent to any wooded or open space areas.

East Haddam Land Trust also contributed to the acquisition of the preserves listed below. 

The Nature Conservancy preserves maintained by The Nature Conservancy:  

Town of East Haddam open space with trails maintained by the East Haddam Conservation Commission:

East Haddam Land Trust and the East Haddam Conservation Commission jointly manage this 99 acres of preserved open space that encompasses the Town's Robbie Road Preserve and the land trust's Monica's Woods, Bloch, and Snell-Talbot Preserves:

Additionally, East Haddam Land Trust protects preserves and easements without trails where public access is not practical or where landowners maintain the use of the property.  Find out more about these properties.​​



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East Haddam Land Trust preserves and protects land in perpetuity for the public benefit.  Since 1979, your donations have helped East Haddam Land Trust, a volunteer, non-profit land conservation corporation, preserve unique woodlands, fields, lakes, rivers and open spaces for the public benefit. East Haddam Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Land Trust Accreditation Commission - Green Seal

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