Preserve Your Land
There are a number of ways to preserve the natural beauty of your land during your lifetime and for future generations while potentially reaping a tax benefit. The Land Trust works in partnership with the landowner and many other organizations (such as The Nature Conservancy, the Town of East Haddam, and the State of Connecticut) to help find the conservation option that is best for you.
Why Enter Into a Land Protection Agreement?
A Land Protection Agreement, or easement, can meet a number of important goals for the property owner. Such an agreement can be entered into during your lifetime or as part of your will. Benefits can include:
Family land can be protected from unwanted development.
Ownership of the property and control over the remaining uses of your land remain with you and your heirs.
The appraised value of the easement qualifies as a charitable deduction for tax purposes if a permanent public benefit is provided by protecting important conservation resources and the easement is granted to a qualified nature conservancy organization (such as the Land Trust).
Easements can help keep family ownership of land by reducing its value for estate tax calculation purposes.
Reduction in assessed value could decrease property taxes.
Why Donate Your Land to a Conservation Organization?
If preserving natural resources is your most important goal, donating your land to an organization whose primary objective aligns with yours makes sense. Again, current and/or future tax benefits might be an important consideration as well.
Why Sell Your Land to a Conservation Organization?
By selling your land to a conservation organization (or a group of organizations), you can potentially realize the same net proceeds as you would by selling to a developer. If your property is an important natural resource, please let us have the opportunity to discuss options with you before listing your land for sale.
For further information visit Conservation Options and Protecting the Land You Love, two resources from the Connecticut Land Conservation Council.
Contact Information
If you want to talk to someone about preserving your East Haddam property, please email the EHLT President or call us at (860) 484-3458. It is also important to consult your legal and tax representatives to ensure your goals are met when considering these land protection options.
Conservation Strategies and FAQs
Links to Conservation Organizations
The following conservation organizations work with Connecticut landowners to protect their land: