Outings and Events
We host a variety of fun outings and informative events. Don't miss an event ... sign up for our email notices at the bottom of this page.
Check out our photos from Instagram below!
Hikes and Paddles
Hikes are scheduled for the second Sunday of September through June and the last Sunday of September through May; most are easy to moderate in difficulty. During warmer months we schedule paddles on local waters.
Stewardship Work Parties
Our Stewardship Work Parties generally occur on the third Saturday of the month to help with trail and preserve boundary maintenance. There is usually work for all ability levels. Help is greatly appreciated and always needed.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting occurs during the first half of June and reviews the activities of the land trust, elects new board members, conducts other official business, and features interesting speakers and programs.
Special Events
These events vary from year to year; most are open to the public, but some are for members only. We announce all events through email and some specific events, such as the annual meeting, by email and USPS mail.
Stay up to date on our events ... subscribe to our weekly emails.
Woods Walk
Sunday, January 12, 1-3 pm
Pete Govert will lead this hike at Shugrue Farm Reserve, a 225-acre town of East Haddam open space property. The hike will be about 2 miles. Meet at the parking area off Lake Hayward Town Road. Hikers are invited to bring post-hike treats to share along with EHLT refreshments.
Words from the Woods Book Circle
Monday, January 13, 1:30-3 pm
Our Book Circle is a collaboration between East Haddam Land Trust and the East Haddam Library System at the Rathbun Library, Main Street, East Haddam. The January read is The Forest Unseen, A Year's Watch in Nature by David George Haskell. Check at the Rathbun for copies of the book.
Interested in the topic but didn’t finish the book? Join the gathering and hear others’ insights!
Stewardship Work Party
Saturday, January 18, 9:30 am to about noon
Join our team for more work at the Mangano-Mazzella Farm Preserve (aka Honey Hill Farm). Meet and park at the entrance to our Saunders Preserve on Honey Hill Road directly across from Mangano-Mazzella Farm Preserve.
Coffee and doughnuts at 9:15. Work begins at 9:30.
January Thaw Social
Saturday, January 25, 7-9 pm
Warm Your Spirits with Botanical Sips and Natural Wine at this unique community fundraiser benefiting East Haddam Land Trust and the River Valley Personal Care Products Project, providing essential hygiene items to our neighbors.
Join us at Ballek's Garden Center to escape the winter chill in the warm greenhouses while indulging in a variety of handcrafted cocktails (or mocktails) made with fresh botanical ingredients, craft beers, natural wines and locally sourced canapés.
Tickets are $50 and include drinks and food and a complimentary East Haddam Land Trust Membership. Purchase tickets here.
Whether you're a cocktail connoisseur or just looking for a fun night out, this event is perfect for everyone!
Woods Walk
Sunday, January 26, 1-3 pm
Join us at our newest preserve, Mangano-Mazzella Farm Preserve (aka Honey Hill Farm). Naturalist, Steve Dedman will lead us through this 123-acre property with about 2 miles of trails. Parking is directly across Honey Hill Road at the Saunders Preserve. Hikers are invited to bring post-hike treats to share along with EHLT refreshments.
Bells of East Haddam - Finders Keepers
Get out on a trail to search for one of the Bells of East Haddam.
Bells are hidden within arm's reach of the trails at an EHLT preserve.
If you find a bell you may keep it, but just one bell per person, please.
Any bell finder not already an EHLT member will be given a free 1-year membership.
Follow the link for more information. Happy hunting!
Check back here and on our Facebook page for event postponements, cancellations, or updates.