Outings and Events
We host a variety of fun outings and informative events. Don't miss an event ... sign up for our email notices at the bottom of this page.
Check out our photos from Instagram below!
Hikes and Paddles
Hikes are scheduled for the second Sunday of September through June and the last Sunday of September through May; most are easy to moderate in difficulty. During warmer months we schedule paddles on local waters.
Stewardship Work Parties
Our Stewardship Work Parties generally occur on the third Saturday of the month to help with trail and preserve boundary maintenance. There is usually work for all ability levels. Help is greatly appreciated and always needed.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting occurs during the first half of June and reviews the activities of the land trust, elects new board members, conducts other official business, and features interesting speakers and programs.
Special Events
These events vary from year to year; most are open to the public, but some are for members only. We announce all events through email and some specific events, such as the annual meeting, by email and USPS mail.
Stay up to date on our events ... subscribe to our weekly emails.
Saturday, March 8, 9:30 am to noonish - weather permitting
Join us for work at Sheepskin Hollow Preserve at Sheepskin Hollow Road for some boundary marking and restoration work. Note: this work party is a week earlier than usual. Watch for more info as the date approaches.
Words from the Woods Book Circle
Monday, March 17, 1:30-3 pm
During this collaboration between the land trust and the East Haddam Library System, we will discuss impressions after reading Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth by William Bryant Logan. Due to the expanding number of book circle participants, we gather in a meeting room at St Stephen's Episcopal Church at 31 Main St., which is directly across the the street from the Rathbun Library. To see what the book circle has read so far, visit ehlt.org/book-circle. Please join us even if you haven't read the book ... our discussions are interesting and enlightening!
Woods Walk
Sunday, March 30, 1-3 pm
Join our hike on the Gillette Castle Train Loop. Learn from Steve Dedman about this gem of a state park overlooking the Connecticut River. Meet in front of the Gillette Castle State Park visitor center at the main parking lot.
Check back here and on our Facebook page for event postponements, cancellations, or updates.