Merrow Preserve​
The 10.62-acres Merrow Preserve, located at the corner of Haywardville Road and Alexander Road, was donated to East Haddam Land Trust by Arthur S. Merrow III and Susan D. Merrow in December 2018.
Merrow Preserve contains a rich variety of tree species (beech, oak, yellow and black birch, maple, and white pine) and protects the wetlands surrounding Lake Hayward Brook, which runs along the preserve’s eastern boundary, and into which the property drains. Lake Hayward Brook empties into the
Eightmile River, a nationally designated Wild and Scenic Watershed.
The Merrow Preserve is a lovely place for hiking, nature study, snowshoeing, and, being part of the Lyme Forest Block Important Bird Area, bird watching.
Counting steps as part of your exercise routine?
Preserve-like terrain averages about 2080 steps per mile. The length of each trail is listed on the printed maps for each preserve available at the trailheads and downloadable from the interactive trail map and from each preserve webpage.