Legacy Matching Campaign
If you have named East Haddam Land Trust, Inc. in your will or as a beneficiary in another way, you can leverage an additional matching donation by filling out a simple form and returning it to us.
Each filled-out and returned form releases $100 for East Haddam Land Trust to use now.
You help ensure our land conservation work continues in the future by mentioning East Haddam Land Trust (tax ID #06-1006484) in your will or as a beneficiary in another way through:
a general bequest (cash and/or security),
a specific bequest (property and/or land,
a residual bequest (remaining assets after other obligations have been met),
a contingent bequest (remaining assets should your heirs predecease you),
or in another way.
You make additional funds available to us now by returning this completed form, and you give us the opportunity to thank you while you are alive.
This Legacy Matching Campaign is funded by a generous donor who supports our work and wants to encourage others to do the same, but who chooses to remain anonymous.
Download the form here, then mail the completed form to:
East Haddam Land Trust, P.O. Box 122, East Haddam, CT 06423
If you have not established your will or estate plan, an estate-planning attorney can help you in keeping with current laws so your wishes are carried out.
We are happy to speak with you further. Please email Pete.Govert@ehlt.org to discuss your planned gift or leave a message at 860-484-3458.