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Axelrod Preserve​

Axelrod Preserve is a 1.6-acre  wildlife sanctuary nestled between Mott Lane, the Moodus Reservoir boat launch road, and the shallow waters of that portion of the reservoir. It is a red maple wetland with an understory of blueberry, winterberry, and pepperbush, accessed from the boat launch road. Songbirds nest in the interior of the property, but the margin between the reservoir and the woodland is a haven for catbirds, kingbirds, herons, yellow-throated vireos. If lucky, you may spot a Virginia rail stalking along the muddy border. Mink, muskrats, and otter share the lush vegetative cover along the reservoir.​


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East Haddam Land Trust preserves and protects land in perpetuity for the public benefit.  Since 1979, your donations have helped East Haddam Land Trust, a volunteer, non-profit land conservation corporation, preserve unique woodlands, fields, lakes, rivers and open spaces for the public benefit. East Haddam Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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